What is SparkReceipt?
SparkReceipt is a ChatGPT-powered preaccounting tool for individuals, freelancers and small business owners. It combines receipt scanning, expense tracking, business document management and accountant collaboration under one service.SparkReceipt helps you scan and manage receipts, track expenses, and organize business documents. With just a few clicks, you can scan and digitize your receipts, invoices, and bank statements, and the AI technology will automatically extract important information such as merchant, date, and total.
The tool also intelligently categorizes your expenses and income, making it easy to track and manage your financial records. You can even invite team members to collaborate and centralize scanned receipts in one account, making it easier for your accountant to oversee your finances.
SparkReceipt makes it incredibly convenient to manage your receipts and documents, with cloud access so you can snap a photo of your receipts on the go and access them from anywhere using the web browser or mobile app. It supports 150 currencies, allowing for accurate conversions, and can read receipts in multiple languages and formats.
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