What is ChattySurvey?
Chattysurvey is an AI survey tool that enables businesses to collect customer insights while valuing privacy.It uses cookies to enhance the browsing experience, serve personalized ads and content, and analyze traffic.
Chattysurvey offers a user-friendly and engaging conversational survey layout, providing a 10x increase in responses compared to traditional surveys.It allows businesses to measure customer loyalty through ratings and personalized follow-ups.
The AI-powered conversation feature provides actionable insights and recommendations based on customers' responses.With Chattysurvey, businesses can create and optimize survey templates without the need for any programming knowledge.
It also helps uncover the real reasons behind Net Promoter Score (NPS) ratings, allowing for data-driven decisions and better understanding of customers' needs and preferences.The tool offers custom surveys to solve specific problems and provides continuous feedback 24/7, saving time and resources.
It goes beyond fluffy sentiment analysis, delving into root causes and identifying meaningful patterns to generate actionable recommendations.Chattysurvey can be used by product, customer success, and marketing teams to understand customer needs, build products that customers genuinely desire, develop effective marketing strategies, and identify new opportunities.
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