
What is ChartPixel?

ChartPixel is an AI data analysis & visualization platform that allows you to quickly generate graphs and actionable insights from your raw data in 30 seconds.Its power is that it can deliver written insights for each chart that are backed up by statistics, real patterns and trends.

Instant Data Visualization: Transforms your data into interactive charts and insights.Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering: Cleans the messy data in your uploaded spreadsheets (Excel, CSV, and Google Sheets), and also creates new, valuable features.

AI and statistics-powered data insights:Automatically selects relevant columns and chart types supported by AI-powered explained insights.Variety of chart types: Offers over twenty different chart types with explanatory insights.

One-click share & export: Converts data insights into PowerPoint presentations, combining visual appeal with statistical accuracy.Upcoming features include dashboard publishing and exporting to Word & Excel.

Survey analysis backed by statistics: Analyzes multi-select questions, performs in-depth segmentation analysis, supports abbreviating long column names, and supports comment & text analysis.Keyword Search Tool: Finds and transforms web data tables into charts.

Mobile optimized: Get insights on the go.The platform simplifies data analysis and makes it accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level.It offers a user-friendly interface with intuitive, fun, and educational tools that allow users to easily collect, visualize, and analyze data without any hassle.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned analytics professional, ChartPixel guides you through the data-driven journey effortlessly.

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